EP075 - Third places for office spaces with Amina Moreau at Radious
This episode focuses on the evolution of corporate real estate. Amina Moreau, founder of Radious, proposes a solution to the changing landscape in the form of third places, between offices and homes. Flexibility can become a turnkey solution for any teams with instantly bookable small- to medium-sized home-like offices, revitalizing neglected areas or sleeping towns.

EP074 - How to unlock better teams with more clarity on motivation with Casey Wahl at Attuned
This episode focuses on team motivation and why it is important to unlock better performance. Casey Wahl, founder of Attuned, is building his product to improve team motivation in Japan. In addition to his venture, he provides an amazing sneak peek into Japan’s startup culture, internal team dynamics, and more.

EP073 - A new way of working remotely with Brian Swartz at Swivvel
This episode is showing a new way to work remotely. Some teams are in-office, others are fully remote. But there’s a middle ground with hybrid teams. Still, they have their challenges, such as meaningful connections, on-demand collaboration, and more. Brian Swartz from Swivvel, a new audio-only huddles app, will share some insights on how to address these challenges.

EP072 - How to lead creative innovation remotely with Amanda Whitmore at Hive Power
This episode’s guest, Amanda Whitmore, is a senior manager of a fully distributed team in the clean energy space. She shares her insights, learning, and takeaways on how she manages, leads, and builds a remote creative team in a high-performing and highly innovative industry.

EP071 - How to plan a remote team retreat with Milana Martinovic at Onsite Hub
This episode focuses on the changing industry of remote retreats. Learn how to organize a retreat for your remote team, what to look for, and how to ensure everyone has an amazing experience. Milana Martinovic has worked in the hospitality industry for the last decade and shares her insights with our audience.