Anywhere Consulting

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Meeting Summary Template

Here's an example of a document format that follows the principles outlined for providing better summaries to support decisions:

Meeting Summary Template

Date: [Insert date of meeting]

Platform: [Insert platform used for the meeting]

Attendees: [List all attendees of the meeting]

Goal: [Summarize the goal of the meeting in one or two sentences]


  • [Insert bullet points of collected thoughts]

  • [Insert bullet points of collected thoughts]

  • [Insert bullet points of collected thoughts]

Next Steps:

  • [Outline the next steps that need to happen]

  • [Cross-reference to the next stage, the action plan, or the decision document]


  • Responsible: [Insert name of the person responsible for driving the plan forward]

  • Accountable: [Insert name of the person accountable for the outcome]

  • Communicated: [Insert names of the people who need to be informed of progress]

  • Informed: [Insert names of the people who need to be kept informed of progress]

Deadline: [Insert deadline for next steps]

Priority Level: [Indicate the priority level of the action items: High/Medium/Low]

Background Information:

  • [List other relevant documents that provide additional context and might be helpful to explore further]

By following this template and filling in the relevant information for each section, you can create clear and concise meeting summaries that support decision-making and facilitate progress towards goals.

See this form in the original post

See this gallery in the original post