Anywhere Consulting

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How to practice self-reflection as a leader?

Let's face it - most people aren't great at self-reflection.

They may think they understand their own behavior, but in reality, they don't. This lack of self-awareness can lead to misunderstandings and workplace tensions, especially in diverse remote teams.

Today, I want to share an actionable tip to help bridge this gap: creating a personal user manual.

Why write a personal user manual?

With remote work, we're collaborating with people from different backgrounds, cultures, and continents.

Understanding how we work individually is crucial for fostering a productive and harmonious environment.

A personal user manual helps you gain self-awareness and provides insights for your teammates on working effectively with you.

How to create your user manual?

It's essential to write it down, as the process encourages self-reflection.

Think of it as a mini-retreat or mindfulness exercise focused on understanding your work preferences.

Consider using a template to make it more structured and consistent across your team.

It helps you stay focused and ensures everyone is on the same page.

What should be included in the manual?

Your manual should cover how you prefer to work and communicate with others.

Here are some key points to include:

  1. How do you prefer others to communicate with you?

  2. How do you like communicating with others?

  3. How do you prefer to collaborate with others?

  4. What are your core values?

  5. What are your main trigger points?

  6. What is your cognitive approach to problems?

  7. What's your background experience?

Need help creating a template? Check out the one I've shared on Anywhere Hub.

Remember, the goal is not just to write your own manual but also to read those of your teammates.

This practice will improve your self-awareness and help you better understand your colleagues.

We can't read minds, but we can try to share our preferences and understand others'.

Give it a try, and watch your team's collaboration thrive.


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