Anywhere Consulting

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Crafting your leadership presence - a 3 step method

Hey there—as a restart on the Leadership Anywhere newsletter, I wanted to focus on one of the most important topics I’ve become acquainted with in the last year: leadership presence online.

I spent 10 yrs in the office and another 10 online, leading teams.

One of the most fundamental differences was how leaders were perceived by their teams.

In the office, it was simple. Online, though, clarity was harder to achieve.

We are wired to follow directives, but those can get fuzzy when we are online.

Misinterpretation, lack of understanding, and the more global your distributed team is, the more likely you will have cultural problems.

That’s where a transparent leadership presence can help.

By enhancing your virtual visibility, you gain a platform for your vision and become a beacon of stability and clarity for your team.

Here's how it strengthens your leadership:

  • It ensures your voice guides your team, even when miles apart.

  • It sets the stage for how you are perceived.

  • It cultivates an environment of transparency and trust.

I have a simple 3-step method to teach others how to craft their online leadership presence.

Step 1: Declare Your Leadership Identity

Document who you are as a leader. Sit down and write it down. Be honest with yourself. It is just you who’s sitting at the desk now.

Craft a "Personal User Manual.” Polish it up and share it with your team.

This manual defines your leadership ethos, decision-making processes, and communication preferences.

It’s an internal starting point for who you are as a leader.

Step 2: Extract and Amplify Your Core Messages

From your manual, pinpoint five key messages embodying your leadership.

Use these as foundations for content—articles, posts, and insights that you can share on platforms like LinkedIn.

If you value directness, honesty, and accountability, great! Talk about how you apply these in your leadership style.

Step 3: Establish Your Thought Leadership Hub

Commit to a long-form content platform, such as a newsletter or blog.

It doesn’t matter where and how much you write. What matters is that you write and share longer content on deeper subjects.

Consistency is your ally; publish as frequently as your schedule allows.

Share your platform openly. What if no one subscribes? No problem. Your team will, and they will know more about you, having better clarity.

The Trifecta of Benefits

Even if you're not in the market to sell a service, solidifying your online leadership presence rewards you with:

  • Clarity for Your Team: A transparent look into your leadership style and principles.

  • Distinct Positioning: Stand out among leaders who haven't yet seized the power of online presence.

  • Personal and Professional Growth: A platform for networking and honing your leadership skills.

At a minimum, you will learn a lot about yourself.

At a maximum, you won’t have to do any hard selling on anything to anyone - your content will speak for itself on your behalf.

Start the journey with Leadership Anywhere

Ready to cast a wider net and solidify your voice as a leader?

Through my coaching, I help leaders build a better presence online.

> Start the journey with a coaching call here.

Until next time,


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